
The functions of the Airworthiness section include registration and de registration of aircraft; acceptance of aircraft type certificates and supplemental types certificates; approval of modifications and repairs; issue/renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness; approval and continuous surveillance of aircraft maintenance organisations and continuing airworthiness management organisations; licensing of aircraft maintenance personnel; incident investigation; issue of Airworthiness Directives; and develop air safety circulars, guidance and regulations relevant to its functions.
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations | Maintenance Organisations | Maintenance Licencing | ||
Application and guidance information regarding the MCAR-M Subpart G Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) Approval.
Application and guidance information regarding the MCAR-145 and MCAR-M Subpart F Approval of Maintenance Organisations
Application and guidance information regarding the MCAR-66 Licencing, the approval of training courses and organisations under MCAR-147.
Registers | Miscellaneous | Radio Licencing | ||
A list of all airworthiness registers publicly available
Civil Aviation Department is authorised by Communication Authority of Maldives (CAM) as its agent to approve and issue Aircraft Radio Station Licence for Maldivian registered aircraft.